Agile and V model of SDLC.

In this tutorial we are going to learn about the Software Development Life Cycle, which includes the following topics:- . Iterative model . When to use Iterative Model . Advantages/Disadvantages of Iterative model . Spiral model . When to use Spiral Model . Advantages/Disadvantages of Spiral model The Fifth mode l of SDLC is "Iterative Model" . This is the Fifth model of SDLC after Spiral model. This model is also called as Incremental model .Let us discuss about the Iterative model in Detail :- Iterative model :- Software development with the help of this model leads to a development process in iterations. Incremental development divides the system functionality onto portions basically called increments.It is the process of develop the software in increments. At first, the process is developed at very small scale by following all steps into consideration.These process groups Iteration into phases. i.e. inception, elaboration,construction...