Trending IT Technologies in 2019
IT Industry has registered a huge growth in the past few years. The IT sector is a dynamic sector, as the technology keeps on evolving day by day. Technology is now evolving at such a rapid pace that annual predictions of trends can seems out of date before they even go live as a published blog post or article. Technology based careers don't change at that same speed, but they do evolve and the wise IT professionals recognizes that his/her role will not stay the same. The IT worker of 21st century will constantly keep learning. The below mentioned are the same technology which you should watch for in 2019 and some of the jobs that will be created by these Trending Technologies. Some of Trending technologies of 2019 are 1) Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2) Machine Learning 3) Robotic process Automation: 4) Virtual reality and Augmented reality 5) Cyber Security 6) Internet of Things 7) Blockchain Artificial Intelligence (AI): Artif...