Blue Prism Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is the difference between process and object studio?

Process studio:
• Process studio is the work-space where the flow of the process is defined
• When a page of a process is run, it will run from the main page irrespective of whatever the page you are in.
Object studio:
• Object studio is the work-space where the objects of the applications have interacted
• When a page in the object is run, it will run only the current page.

2. What are the stages available in object studio that is not available in process studio?

• Navigate stage
• Read stage
• Write stage
• Code stage
• Wait stage

3. What is the difference between the defined and undefined collection?

In the Defined collection, the fields inside the collection are set prior to the run whereas in undefined collection no field is set prior to the run. The fields are populated in run-time.

4. What are the different modes available for object spying?

• HTML mode
• WIN32 mode
• Accessibility mode
• Region mode

5. What is a thin client and thick client?

The Thin client is the application from which we cannot get many attributes of an object. Only region mode can be used in Thin client applications. Ex: Citrix, Oracle-based applications.
The thick client is the application from which we can get many attributes of an object. We can use any mode in Thick client applications. Ex: Internet Explorer, Calculator.

6. What is the use of Work Queues?

Work Queues are used to break a large volume of work to small volume and multiple bots can be used so that the time consumption can be reduced.

7. What is the use of Initialize and cleanup in object studio?

Initialize and cleanup is the pre and post conditions which will execute at the start and end of the object respectively.
It cannot be called through action as it will run automatically when a particular object is called.

8. What are the types of debugging techniques available in blue prism?

Step — It executes each and every stage. If it encounters a page, process or an action, it enters inside and executes.
Step Over — It executes each and every stage. If it encounters a page, process or an action, it does not enter inside but still executes over the page.
Step Out — It executes everything that is available on the current page.

9. What are the ways to expose data item?

• Environment variable
• Session variable

10. What is Environment variable?

This is a type of exposure in data item where the value of data item can be changed without opening the processor object.
• Environment variables will be available in System tab under process section.

For more Questions, Please check out Blue Prism Interview Questions and Answers


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